Carpaccio with Samphire
Recipe provided to us by Guy Jeffreys at Millbrook Winery
WA Samphire
Tecticornia lepidosperma
Handful of nasturtium seed pods
Massive pinch of salt
200ml white wine vinegar
50g sugar
400g beef
Handful of samphire
A few spoons of homemade mayonnaise
Bunch of whatever leaves are in your garden
Olive oil
1 week at least in advance make nasturtium capers by sprinkling salt over the nasturtium seed pods and leave in the fridge for overnight. The next day bring vinegar and sugar to the simmer so sugar dissolves, let cool. Rinse salt off of nasturtium seed pods and add to pickle liquid. Keep refrigerated for up to 1 year.
Bring a pot of water to the boil and drop in samphire for 30 seconds, then refresh in iced water, drain.
Slice beef really thin and arrange onto 4 plates, season. Spoon on some mayonnaise and drizzle with olive oil. Scatter with samphire, nasturtium capers and garden leaves.