Chocolate Lily
Arthropodium strictum
Can Chocolate Lily tuber roots grow big like sweet potatoes?
Not typically. Chocolate Lily tubers generally grow up to 3.5cm in length, but one plant can produce many tubers in a season.
Can I grow a Chocolate Lily indoors?
It’s possible, but remember that a plant living in a pot will depend entirely on you for its growth. If you intend to harvest the roots for food, be sure to choose a large pot with enough room for the tubers to grow. Choose a sunny spot near a window, and be careful not to overwater when the plant is dormant.
What pests and diseases is Chocolate Lily susceptible to?
No known pests and diseases.

Suitable for full-sun

Suitable for part-shade

Suitable for pots

Height 0.5m
Width 0.3m

Tolerates drought

Tolerates sandy soils

Attracts bees & insects

Suitable for gaps