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Garlic Native Thyme Potato Puree

Similar in texture to a classic French dish called ‘aligot’, this recipe combines the umami-inducing flavours of native thyme, crushed garlic, and bacon fat or butter to create a smooth and creamy potato puree. A lump-free mash to accompany any wintery slow braised meat.

Recipe provided to us by
Robyne Low of RiverMint Dining

Native Thyme

Prostanthera incisa


For 4-6 servings

1kg russet or other floury potatoes.

3 x garlic cloves, pasted.

2 sprigs of native thyme, leaves removed and finely chopped.

2 tbsp of butter or bacon fat

¼ cup of milk, adding more for desired consistency


  • Peel and boil potatoes until very tender (to make these potatoes really rich you could cook them in the traditional fondant style using a dish covering the halved potatoes in butter, and very slowly cooking in a fan-forced oven at 170 degrees until tender.)
  • Mash the cooked potatoes until smooth and lump-free.
  • Return to pan and add bacon fat or butter and stir vigorously with a wooden spoon.
  • Add the garlic, native thyme, and salt and pepper to taste and continue mixing.
  • Gradually add the milk until a smooth, sticky and elastic-like puree develops.
  • Grated Tomme cheese can also be added at this point to complement the other flavours and make this a super decadent side dish.

Chicken stock can be added to any leftover puree to create a creamy potato soup – top with bacon.


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