Spinifex North Beach Market Fish
Market fish which has been cooked in a lemon myrtle butter, served with a buttermilk sauce, braised leek, lemon myrtle oil and sea herbs.
Recipe provided to us by Chef Zach Tholen Spinifex North Beach
180g Snapper
1 TBL veg oil.
30g butter
3 lemon myrtle leaves
Buttermilk sauce
1 shallot finely sliced.
20g ginger finely julienne.
200ml veg stock.
1 nori sheet
100ml buttermilk
¼ tsp xanthan gum
Salt and White pepper
Braised Leek
½ leek
20g butter
Veg stock
Salt white pepper
Lemon myrtle oil (500ml)
500ml grapeseed / neutral oil
10g dried lemon myrtle leaves
100g spinach
To Serve
Round Baby Pigface and / or any other sea herbs (sea blite / ice plant / samphire)
Lemon myrtle oil
Buttermilk Sauce
Start by sweating off shallot and ginger in a pot until soft and cooked through, add in veg stock and nori sheet, simmer gently for 30 minutes, strain off and mix into the buttermilk. Thicken with xanthan and a stick blender. Season with salt and white pepper
Slice the leek into 7cm tubes and then slice through the middle, lay flat in a small pan, add in butter and cover with veg stock. Put on a low simmer for 10-15 minutes until leek is al dente, remove from the liquid and set aside (reserve liquid for cooking another batch of leek if needed)
Lemon Myrtle Oil
Place lemon myrtle and oil in a small pot and put on a low heat, ensuring the oil does not get to hot and burn the lemon myrtle. once warmed through for 10 minutes add in the spinach and blend with a stick blender. Strain through an oil filter and remove any excess water produced by the spinach.
Heat a pan with veg oil until hot and lightly smoking. Place in fish and turn the heat to low. Cook for 4 minutes on one side or until the flesh has turned white on 70% of the fish add in you butter and lemon myrtle leaves and continue cooking for 1 minute, flip the fish over and baste for 1 minute. Remove from pan and allow to rest for 2 minutes.
To Serve
To plate, place your leek in the centre of the bowl, gently warm your buttermilk sauce, do not boil. And pour roughly ½ a cup into the bowl. Place the fish onto of the leek. Dress the sea herbs in 1TBL of lemon myrtle oil and place those on top of the fish. Drizzle another tbls on the buttermilk sauce to create little puddles of oil in the sauce.