Bushfood for Beginners


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Australia is home to thousands of edible native plant species, and yet (at the time of publishing this book) most of the food we grow in gardens and find in the supermarket originally came from overseas.

This book is a handy “getting started” guide for novice and anxious intermediate gardeners ready to connect with this country’s ecological and cultural roots.

Packed with tips and advice from the seasoned green thumbs at Tucker Bush, it aims to help any enthusiastic gardener take the first step in their long and bountiful bushfood journey.

Format: Paperback (6”x9”)
Length: 160 pages
Keywords: Gardening, lifestyle, bushfoods, bush tucker, native edibles, Australian, water-wise gardening, edible gardening

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Starting out right is often a matter of starting out small, starting out smart, and simply just starting. This book is a handy guide for beginners and anxious intermediates alike. Packed with tips and advice from seasoned green thumbs, it aims to help any enthusiastic gardener take the first step in a long and bountiful bushfood journey.

Growing your own food is an enjoyable and rewarding adventure. In Australia, a native bushfood garden is especially brilliant because you’re tapping into the natural delights of our unique ecosystem.

From boggy Bush Mint to salt-loving Samphire, and even the little-known drought-loving Youlk, it’s incredible just how much biodiversity can find a home in your own backyard.

This book gives you twenty-six good reasons to keep a bushfood garden, all of which are great to eat and easy to grow. But if you still need more convincing, here’s what makes growing native edibles that extra bit special…